Yellow Fin Tuna Whole Round | Yellowfin Tuna Factory, Indonesia Tuna Factory, Tuna Dry Fish, Yellowfin Tuna Supplier Malaysia

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Yellow Fin Tuna Whole Round

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Yellow Fin Tuna Whole Round

Yellow fin tuna whole round is another tuna fish product that you can find on the marketplace. Especially when you own a restaurant business, then you might want to know how this product is made before going to your place. Whole round yellow fin tuna is a versatile product that can be use in many restaurants to create many kinds of dishes. That is why it is considered as a good business opportunity that many factories get to create whole round product to be sold to the restaurant business. Now let us see how those factories crate this product for your restaurant.

Yellow fin tuna whole round
As you know when you receive the yellow fin tuna whole round, it is still in the same condition as to the condition when the yellow fin tuna first caught by the fishermen. The only difference is that the whole round yellow fin tuna product which you get does not contain blood in the blood line anymore. This only possible because right after the yellow fin tuna fish is caught by the fishermen they will do bleeding process to the tuna fish as soon possible.
You should know that the yellow fin tuna fish keeps its body in higher temperature that the seawater temperature. And that temperature will increase even more when the yellow fin tuna fish is struggling while being caught by the fishermen. If the body temperature is still high after it is caught, then it can speed the time of when the yellow fin tuna whole round meat is spoiled. Thus it is important to lower the yellow fin tuna fish body temperature after it is caught. And the method to do it is by using the bleeding procedure to remove the hot blood from the yellow fin tuna fish body thus it will not get spoiled easier.
This procedure will also increase the quality of the tuna meat by 100 percent which is why the fishermen will do the bleeding procedure to the yellow fin tuna fish that they caught right in their ship. Furthermore by doing the bleeding procedure to the yellow fin tuna fish, it will make the fish meat keep its beautiful red color which is important indication for fresh meat. The bleeding process itself is done to the yellow fin tuna fish by cutting its artery to let the blood to come out from the blood line naturally. This process will only take 5 minutes to do, thus it is very easy and a must thing to do by the fishermen if they want to have fresh yellow fin tuna whole round product.
The next process that is done to the whole round yellow fin tuna is to chill them in 0 degree Celsius so it will stay fresh the whole journey it needs to take it to the coast. And that actually complete the entire process of making whole round yellow fin tuna since it is a product that is still in the same condition as when the fish is first caught by the fishermen. If you can get the whole round yellow fin tuna fish right from the fishermen after the product is arrive in the coast, then it would be the perfect product for your restaurant business. However sometimes it is hard to get them directly from the fishermen when you do not live near the coast since the fishermen usually sold their catch to the factories that will further process them. Of course you can still purchase yellow fin tuna whole round product from the factories as it is the normal thing that every restaurant do.
But do not worry since the factories will not do anything weird to the whole round yellow fin tuna product. The whole round yellow fin tuna product is considered as a raw material by the factories which will process them further to be used as ingredient for their other product. But they also sell the whole round yellow fin tuna product to the restaurant and only frozen them to keep the tuna meat fresh for longer time. The only thing that they do to this yellow fin tuna whole round product is frozen them in super cold temperature around – 40 degree to – 60 degree Celsius before being sold to the restaurant.


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