Tuna Germany Consumption and Demand from Developing Country | Yellowfin Tuna Factory, Indonesia Tuna Factory, Tuna Dry Fish, Yellowfin Tuna Supplier Malaysia

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Tuna Germany Consumption and Demand from Developing Country

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Tuna Germany Consumption and Demand from Developing Country

Germany has population around eighty million people, that is why it is considered as big market for importer especially on the European region. German people have high interest in sea product including tuna. In fact tuna Germany is one of the most popular sea products that they love. Of course, Germany needs to import some of the tuna from elsewhere since their production is still not enough to fulfill all of the demand in the market.

Statistic for Tuna Germany Consumption and Demand
Because of the increase popularity of healthy lifestyle with low fat diet, German household start to eat more fish which make the popularity of tuna also become increased. Among all of tuna products available in the market they like canned tuna the most because it is semi processed and ready to eat which make it very easy to consume whenever they want. Of course they also prefers more affordable product which also high in quality beside easy to consume. This might be the reason why tuna Germany demand keeps increasing in the past years.
From the consumption perspective, Germany consumption of this seawater fish reminds in stable state from 2006 until 2010 period. However in the 2010 year, there is a slight decrease on the consumption rate by Germany. Every financial year, the average consumption per capita for tuna meat in Germany is able to reach around two kilograms. Fisch Informationszentrum also stated that the consumption of tuna meat is made up around eleven percent of the total seafood product demand in the country.
Internation Trade Center also stated that Germany hold the seventh rank for country that purchase canned tuna Germany the most in the world, and they also hold the eight rank for country that import tuna the most in the world. Among those seven top countries that purchase canned tuna the most in the world, Germany score the highest growth in their tuna import number. In fact they old greater than 3.4 percents from the whole tuna import number in the world.
There are forty one countries around the world that becomes Germany’s supplier of imported tuna. Five biggest supplier countries are the Philippines which takes around twenty three percent of the import share, the Ecuador which takes around twenty one percent of the import share, Papua New Guinea which takes around twelve percent of the import share, the Netherland which takes around eleven percent of the import share, and Vietnam which takes around nine percent of the import share. In fact ninety seven percent of Vietnam tuna production is exported to the Germany.
Fresh tuna meat import which done by Germany from developing countries made up around forty percent from the entire import done by the country. However between the years of 2006 until 2011, there is a huge decrease of fresh tuna meat import from developing countries which is around eighty six percent. As compensation of the decrease and to catch up with the increased demand inside the country, Germany has started to import fresh tuna meat from the member of EU countries.
Luckily fresh tuna meat import from developing countries gain forty percent increase in 2011 which round up to 63 MT while previously in 2009 the number is only 45 MT. This make developing country is able to take around thirty three percent of the whole frozen tuna supply in the country. It is long known that Indonesia as well as Vietnam is the leading frozen tuna supplier for Germany market. Besides direct import, Germany also imports other tuna product from developing country which first being process in other country such as Netherland. Tuna products which taken from those developing countries are mainly made from bigeye tuna, albacore tuna, and yellowfin tuna which delivered in different kinds of form.

Currently, only small scale of tuna products is able to be processed directly inside the country. The Germany Company will import fresh tuna in raw steak form to be processed directly inside the country. The fresh tuna in raw steak form import made up around forty percent of the whole tuna meat import inside the country. But most of the time this tuna Germany product will then be exported again outside the country to Eastern Europe and not for the country own consumption. 


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